Personal Accounts of Drink Driving

Below is a few quotes from different people who have spoken about drink driving; from those who knew they were doing it and from those who didn’t realise they were over the limit.

The night of drinking-

“ I had only had a few drinks and didn’t feel tipsy so I thought I would be fine” – Jade 31

“ My house was only around the corner, so I though it would be ok’ – James 19

“ I have done it before, so I didn’t think it would be a problem” – Link 22

The morning after drinking-

“ I actually didn’t think I had any alcohol left in my system, I was so surprised when I was pulled over” – Oliver 22

“ I was only going up the road and I went the back streets” – Katie 21

These comments above unfortunately represent what some people in NSW beleive. Do not drink and drive! Utalise the disposable breathalyser in the kit so you don’t lose your licence or your life.

Below is also a short clip, even though I did not know Cody, it sadly shows what can be the consequences if you drink and drink.

What are the current measures and organisations that aim to reduce alcohol-fuelled problems?

When looking at ways to reduce alcohol-related harms it is important to consider and acknowledge the evidence that support the methods implemented in NSW currently.

Specifically a book utalised regularly in regards to the issues of alcohol-control policy is Alcohol No Ordinary Commodity research and public policy (second edition) by Thomas Babor et al. This book outlines the policies and evidence to support the policies on alcohol control.

AMA (NSW), Drink Tank and FARE are all prominent organisations which aim to provide different measures to reduce the issues caused when alcohol is consumed. Connect t these websites to discover more about their different methods implemented.

However as noted in an article in the Sydney Morning Hearld ‘After the tragic death of Thomas Kelly in Kings Cross just over a year ago there were mumblings from the State Government about taking action in the Cross – and while there have been some measures announced there, we’re yet to see the reduced trading hours and lock-outs needed”

More measures still need to be undertaken to reduce the issues caused when alcohol is consumed. The kit is thus a small but positive step in reducing alcohol related problems.

The Impact of Alcohol fuelled Violence in NSW

Every weekend paramedics, police, doctors and nurses are faced with the tragic consequences of alcohol-fuelled violence, which is still a major issue in NSW today. As reported in the Sydney morning Herald titled ‘State must turn off the Alcohol tap’ “After the tragic death of Thomas Kelly in Kings Cross just over a year ago there were mumblings from the State Government about taking action in the Cross – and while there have been some measures announced there, more still needs to be done’

Click onto the below website of ABC’s and watch the short clip revealing the impact of alcohol fuelled violence:

Why are Breath Mints an Essential Aspect of the Kit?

Beer, wine, mixed drinks, and similar beverages that contain alcohol all leave you with a very dry mouth and if you have caught a whiff of your breath as well, it often doesn’t smell the best.  Alcohol dries your mouth out exactly the way your body is often left dehydrated after a big night out. So this is why breath mints are in the No Regrets Necessary kit!

When venues are loud you often end up being quite close to others and there is nothing worse than someone close to you with bad breath, so don’t do it to others. If you believe you have bad breath it can often be a source of worry and embarrassment, particularly if you can’t find a way to cover it up. So in these situations you could simply grab a kit from behind the bar with your next drink without having the feel uncomfortable for the rest of the night.

Drinking water to counteract the dehydration and dry mouth is also very important, and will work better than anything else. So the breath mints in the kit are a quick fix but you are also provided with the bottle of water for the long run.

Also visit the No Regrets Necessary Facebook and Twitter page for more information about the kit. Comments, suggestions and feedback on each media site would be much appreciated particularly if you can assist in getting the kit out for purchase.

A Snack in the Pack


If you have come out of a club particularly in area’s like Sydney’s Kings Cross, you will often find that the lines for buying fast food are nearly as long as the lines for the clubs and pubs. You also often find yourself joining them, as you do not want to go home empty handed and all you are craving is something fatty or greasy. Alcohol doesn’t triggers hunger for everything, but for specific types of foods that happen to be relatively unhealthy.

The No Regrets Necessary Kit, which can be purchased from most pubs, clubs and convenient stores, can enable you to head home straight away, as it provides you with a snack for the journey home. This will save you loitering the streets to decide which fatty expensive food your going to regrettably eat. The whole kit only costs $5 which is probably less than the price you are drunkingly going to pay for fast food, which you do not actually fully get to enjoy eating.

The reason why people mainly crave carbohydrates when their drunk is because those are the foods that will provide fast relief of the symptoms associated with low blood glucose levels, which is caused when the body consumes alcohol. The idea that a greasy meal will completely prevent tomorrow’s hangover is a myth! You do not need a whole pizza to yourself, something small like a packet of chips, which the kit will provide, is enough to get you home satisfied without leaving you with a sick and full feeling the next morning. You are not expected after a night out to want celery sticks and carrots but you also don’t need to make yourself sick on greasy food you often wouldn’t eat when your sober. A pack of chips, which the kit will provide is the perfect medium.

Also visit the No Regrets Necessary Facebook and Twitter page for more information about the kit. Comments, suggestions and feedback on each media site would be much appreciated particularly if you can assist in getting the kit out for purchase.

The Importance of a Water Bottle in the No Regrets Necessary Kit

One of the worst parts of a night out, that affects nearly everyone who has had too much to drink the night before, is a hangover! You can often wake up swearing to yourself that you will never drink again and the only thing you can think about is your throbbing head. However there is a simple solution to the dreaded hangover… Water!

The No Regrets Necessary kit will provide you with a bottle of water, so you can drink it on your way home after a night out. For only $5 the kit, along with other items, will provide you with one of the most important methods of preventing that horrible feeling of a pounding headache you often wake up with. Before a night out drinking you often know to drink water when you get home, but after a long night and often a few to many drinks your senses can go out the window and all you can think about is jumping into bed…Until the regretful morning after. But if you purchase the kit just before going home, you have the whole journey to drink the bottle so you can go to bed rehydrated from your night out drinking.

Water is not only a cure for hangovers, but it can also help to prevent them. A hangover is primarily your body feeling extremely dehydrated, as alcoholic beverages rid your body of water. Waking up feeling hung over is your body telling you that it needs more fluids. While you were sleeping off the booze, whatever leftover water was in your body was used up.

For every alcoholic drink you have, your body can expel up to four times as much liquid. The diuretic effect of alcohol and the dehydration it causes contribute to the discomfort of a hangover. So having a bottle of water in the kit is an essential item to rehydrate your body and improve the way you look at your night out the next morning. Its better to be remembering your night out from a clear head rather than trying to remember it through a headache.

To purchase a bottle of water at a convenient shop is also nearly the price of the whole kit, yet the kit provides you with more than just that. So get behind the kit, so it can be available for purchase.

Also visit the No Regrets Necessary Facebook and Twitter page for more information about the kit. Comments, suggestions and feedback on each media site would be much appreciated particularly if you can assist in getting the kit out for purchase.

Why is there a Condom in the No Regrets Necessary Kit?


Sex is more fun when you’re not worried about getting pregnant or getting an STD and there is a simple way to prevent these, other than abstinence…. Use a condom! The No Regrets Necessary Kit provides you with a condom, so you can end a night out without any regrets.

Who has the condom can be an awkward subject, but you will defiantly regret not having this conversation if you are left with something unplanned. It is imperative that you take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and stay safe and healthy. The No Regrets Necessary kit, if you purchase it, also takes away your reliance on yourself or the other party having a condom when it is needed. Also if you are relying on someone else you often do not know how old the condom is as they do have expiry dates.

Condoms reduce the risk of transmitting diseases by blocking the exchange of fluids during sexual activity. When condoms are used correctly, there is only a three percent chance of becoming pregnant and even less than a three percent chance of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. It is important to remember that oral sex is also a route for STDs. Being safe and smart will help you to avoid suffering the consequences of unsafe sex.

Drinking alcohol lowers inhibitions, and makes people more likely to do things they wouldn’t normally do. Even when you’re drinking or drunk it’s important to be safe and use a condom. Regardless of whether you are dating someone, or are involved in a serious relationship, you can use the condom from the No Regrets Necessary Kit.

The past decade has seen rates of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) increase in Australia. Sexually transmissible infections are predominately contracted through unsafe sexual practices and can show no symptoms. If left untreated, STIs can have serious long-term consequences. For more information on different types of STI’s visit is the NSW Government Health website.

Also visit the No Regrets Necessary Facebook and Twitter page for more information about the kit. Comments, suggestions and feedback on each media site would be much appreciated particularly if you can assist in getting the kit out for purchase.

Why is the Disposable Breathalyser an Important Item of the Kit?

It’s not ok to drink and drive, its not cool, its against the law and you could injure yourself or some one else. But sometimes you might just not know you are over the limit, particularly the next day after a night out. So this is where the disposable breathalyser from the No Regrets Necessary Kit comes in. You need to know your limits for your safety and the safety of others on the roads.

Driving requires correct decision-making and total concentration, even if it’s just around the streets you have driven around a thousand times before. Research and statistics prove that those who drive under the influence of alcohol, have a much greater chance of having a car accident. Alcohol also causes more road crashes than any other single factor in Australia. This is because alcohol slows down your reaction time, which can be crucial during an emergency on the roads. Alcohol is a drug that slows down your body, both physically and mentally.

There is no absolute safe level of alcohol consumption for competent driving. However, Australia has strict laws about drinking alcohol and driving, with the legal limit set at 0.05 BAC (blood alcohol content). It’s important to note that these guidelines are general and a range of factors can influence an individual’s BAC, such as your body size,  level of fitness, gender, medication, when you last ate and the type of food you ate.

Australian police have the authorisation to stop any vehicle and breath test the driver for their BAC at any time. Random breath testing results show that on average, one in 300 drivers tested exceeds the legal limit. If you are getting home in the early hours of the morning you most often should not be driving till later that night, but often how would you be able to tell? Taking a chance is not worth losing your license over or your life over. It takes much longer for your body to expel alcohol than to absorb it, so if you drink a large quantity of alcohol in the evening and still have alcohol present in your body the next day.

A blood test is the most accurate method of distinguishing how much alcohol is in your system, however this is very inconvenient, so a breathalyzer is the next best thing. The No Regrets Necessary kit will provide you with the disposable Breathalyzer of which you can use once, after you have been out or the morning after. It will be included in the cost of the $5 for the kit, which is a cheap investment in comparison to the cost of an accident you may have because of alcohol in your body. You will not be able to use the breathalyzer as a tool to show police that you thought you were ok as it had been indicated on the bethalysor devise from the kit but you will be able to use it for your own benefit to give you more of an indication of how much alcohol is in your system.

The penalties for drink driving depend on the offender’s BAC level and on whether they have prior drink driving offences. Sentencing usually includes license cancellation for a set period. A learner or probationary driver who records a BAC of less than .05 will be fined and incur demerit points. And a fully licensed driver who records a BAC of between .05 and .07 will also be fined and incur demerit points. For very serious offences, punishment may include community-based orders or imprisonment. For more information visit drink driving penalties, which is a great site to give you more of an indication of what could happen if you are caught drink driving. Also even politicians can be caught drink driving as evidenced in the Sydney Morning Herald article  “Abbots Chief of Staff Accused of Drink Driving”.

Also visit the No Regrets Necessary Facebook and Twitter page for more information about the kit. Comments, suggestions and feedback on each media site would be much appreciated particularly if you can assist in getting the kit out for purchase.

What is the No Regrets Necessary Kit?


Everyone loves a night out, wether it’s at a restaurant, bar or club, having a few beverages is a great way to unwind with friends. But when it comes time to end the night, it cannot always end up the way you had anticipated. So that’s where my No Regrets Necessary Kit comes in. Although it’s not out yet to be purchased this blog will inform you of why it should be! Its, cheap, its easy to use and one item in side it might just make a major impact on the way you look at your night the next morning.

The No Regrets Necessary kit contains a disposable breathalyser, condom, bottle of water, snack and breath mints. The next few blogs will explore why each of these items in the kit is important enabling for an enjoyable night out not to turn into a nightmare. The kit is lightweight, easy to carry and only $5. Ideally the kit would thus be predominantly funded by the Australian Government or by a sponsor company and would be able to be purchased from behind the bar after a night out, from a convenient store or from the supermarket.

The kit would be targeted at young people, as they are generally the age group that faces and causes most of the issues on the streets and in licenced venues after alcohol has been consumed. But that’s not to say that anyone can’t buy it.

There have been to many stories in the media of individuals coming home injured after a night out or not coming home at all. The Kit thus is a more positive step in the right direction to getting people waking up happy and safe after a night of drinking. Even though different measures have been undertaken to improve the issues of alcohol related violence, more still needs to be done!

The main aim of this blog is to give a bit more information about the kit and why each item inside is so important. This blog also aims to hopefully reach organisations that have the power to get the kit out and able to be purchased.   For such a cheap price of $5 which is less than the price of a drink, I would defiantly buy the kit! So help me get the Kit out for distribtion  and available to the public.

Also visit the No Regrets Necessary Facebook and Twitter page for more information about the kit. Comments, suggestions and feedback on each media site would be much appreciated particularly if you can assist in getting the kit out for purchase.

No Regrets Necessary Kit

A Night Out Kit; Disposable breathalyser, condom, drink bottle of water, snack and 2x breath mints.
Able to be purchased for $5 at; most pubs, clubs, supermarkets and convenient stores at the end of a night out.
Visit the Facebook page for more information –
Visit the Twitter page for more information-